Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Statement
Adopted 22 January 2009
The aim of this statement is to provide a clear indication of the Council’s approach to the preservation and enhancement of the Dartmouth Park Conservation Area. In doing so this appraisal will define the special interest that justifies designation through a character appraisal of the area.
Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Strategies are recognised as being of considerable importance in providing a sound basis for guiding development within them. The purpose of the documents is to provide a clear indication of the Council’s
approach to the preservation and enhancement of the conservation area.
The appraisal is for the use of local residents, community groups, businesses, property owners, architects and developers and is an aid to the formulation and design of development proposals and change in this area and its setting.
You can read and download the statement and associated documents below.